Tuesday, 27 October 2015

#7 of 20 star objects - The Teasel Gig

The word 'teasing' derives from the teasel plant, a thistle like seed head, which gives you a good indication of #7 of our star objects purpose - The teasel gig.

The Teasel gig you can see in Trowbridge Museum today is one of the original objects displayed in the Museum from its opening in 1991, and is believed to have been accessioned was from Winterbotham, Stachan and Playne Ltd., Lodgemore Mills, Stroud, Gloucester 1989.

 Teasel gig being installed in Trowbridge Museum 1990

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

#6 of 20 star objects - Taylors Shop

This time rather than focus on just one object, this post will look at an exhibit in the Museum as a whole.
If you have ever visited the Museum you will understand why this display is one of our most talked about, and a favourite with the public; number 6 for our star objects is the Taylors Shop display.  Designed to resemble the drapers shop in Trowbridge in 1940’s, it starts lots of conversations and reminiscing with visitors of all ages.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

#5 of 20 star objects - Brocade Wedding Dress

In 1900 Edith Whitaker wore this cream brocade dress. The dress signifies the joining of 2 leading families in the Baptist church and actively involved in the village of Bratton

Edith Reeves with her wedding dress, taken by The Wiltshire Times 1968

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

#4 of 20 star objects - A letter from Thomas Helliker

The Complete Letter Writer, printed in Salisbury, 1768 with handwritten letters supposedly from Thomas, signed Hilliker, on the night before his execution in Fisherton Jail, Salisbury, Wiltshire, March 22nd 1803.
The story of Thomas Helliker (sometimes spelt Hilliker or Elliker), Trowbridge’s Martyr is little known outside of Wiltshire’s county town.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

#3 of 20 star ojects - Queen Caroline Banner

At first glance the painted silk banner presented to Queen Caroline, may seem simple and possibly an odd choice for our 20 star objects, however as you delve deeper into its past, it unravels a truly remarkable tale.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

#2 of 20 star ojects - The Mystery Lady

The mystery surrounding this portrait is what makes it so special, and deserving of a place on our 20 star objects. The piece has been in our collection since 1986, some four years before the Museum was developed and opened to the public.

on display in our gallery

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

#1 of our 20 star objects - The Spinning Jenny

Not only do we want to share with you the treasures hidden deep within our store, we’d also like to show you our '20 star objects' - these are going to give you a mini virtual tour of the Museums gallery, as they will be objects that are permanently on display.
So, that being said our first choice is one of the first objects you're faced with as you enter the Museum. Those who have visited Trowbridge Museum would have no doubly seen it & remember it - mainly due to its large stature - it is, of course, our Spinning Jenny.
The spinning jenny being carried into 'new' Trowbridge Museum by Ken and Norman Rogers,1990