Not only do we want to share with
you the treasures hidden deep within our store, we’d also like to show you our
'20 star objects' - these are going to give you a mini virtual tour of the
Museums gallery, as they will be objects that are permanently on display.
So, that being said our first choice
is one of the first objects you're faced with as you enter the Museum. Those who
have visited Trowbridge Museum would have no doubly seen it & remember it - mainly due to its
large stature - it is, of course, our Spinning Jenny.
The spinning jenny being carried into 'new' Trowbridge Museum by Ken and Norman Rogers,1990 |
Thought to be one of only 5 in the country, ours is on loan from the Science Museum, however was once used at Palmer & Mckay’s Court Mills, right here in Trowbridge.
The first machine
made to spin yarn
was the Spinning Jenny, invented by James Hargreaves in 1764, spinning
the jenny produced dozens of lengths of yarn at the same time. This
meant that the weaver could be kept supplied with as much yarn as he
however this incredible machine was not popular amongst all, hand
operated by
only one person, the introduction of spinning machinery caused hardship
amongst the hand spinners, usually young children and women, who had no
other form of income. The industrial revolution hit Trowbridge hard and
caused riots and protests in the town and surrounding villages!
Trevor Heeks, Trowbridge Town Crier, standing at the Spinning Jenny in Trowbridge Museum & of the Spinning Jenny in use at Palmer and McKay, Courts Mill, Trowbridge, about 1900 |
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